Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hey..everyone...Good morning. It's getting warmer, and warmer...
Spring is in the air. Everything is blooming..

Why would you wan't to get to school any faster ?

Won't be long......

1920's swimwear police--This is much to short...Boy if he could see them now....

Damn....loud fish....you don't have to holler! I'm coming with the food....


All Smiles....

Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on their faces.

The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened.

"First body: Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure while making love to his mistress.

Hence the enormous smile, Inspector", says the Coroner.

"Second body: "Scotsman, 25, won a thousand dollars on the lottery, spent it all on whisky.

Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile."

The Inspector asked, "What of the third body?"

"Ah," says the coroner, "this is the most unusual one.

Gus-Bob the redneck from Virginia, 70, struck by lightning."

"Why is he smiling then?" inquires the Inspector.

"Thought he was having his picture taken."


Isn't it appropriate that the month of the tax begins with April Fool's Day and ends with cries of "May Day!"?

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