Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sun. Jan.6th.~~~

Yep....Same old....Same old....Hold your nose
tighter when you vote.......
Hillery said..She has 8 years experience in the white house..
The White house cook has more then that....
makes him more experienced to be president??
Seems we only get the it makes them millionaires.
I don't think the good ones run.
O.K. ..O.K. I'll step down now......

You can encapsulate a marriage in four words. If a fellow gets married, but finds a temptation elsewhere, hears about it from his wife when she finds out, and finds himself served with papers, you can sum up the experience as: Hitched, Itched, Bitched, Ditched. ~~~~~~~~~~~~00~~~~~~~~~~~

White House staffers were perplexed one morning to see Bill Clinton walk into the Oval Office with a pair of women's panties on his arm. Somewhat used to the president's tendencies, they let it go and went about their daily tasks. The day wore on; several VIP's were ushered in and out of the Oval Office for meetings with Clinton about important affairs of the state. Each one left with a puzzled expression on their face but no one dared ask about the President's personal business.
Finally, Betty Currie, Clinton's loyal secretary walked into the office between appointments and gently closed the door behind her. "Mr. President," she said, "We've come to expect many unusual things from you, but we're quite concerned that you seem to be wearing a pair of women's panties on your arm. Please tell me this doesn't mean more trouble."
"Oh no," the President grinned. "It's The Patch. I'm trying to quit."

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