Thursday, December 27, 2012


Breaking News.....
Another celebrity has been suspended at the BBC.
His name has not been released, but he is recognised
by the fact that he featured in many children's programmes wearing a red suit
with white fur trim and liked to sit children on his
He was arrested and charged at 1 am this morning
trying to gain access to a child's bedroom.
The large sack he was carrying was confiscated and
used in evidence.
His crime of non payment of import duty on toys
brought in from the North Pole is the most serious
 to be dealt with yet.
I set a personal record on Christmas.
I got my shopping done three weeks ahead of time.
I had all the presents back at my apartment,
I was halfway through wrapping them, and I realized,
Damn, I used the wrong wrapping paper.
The paper I used said, Happy Birthday.
I didnt want to waste it, so I just wrote Jesus on it.
Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world
and punch himself in the back of the head.
Experts agree that the best type of computer for your
individual needs is the one that comes on the market
about two days after you actually purchase some
other computer.
Christmas always sucked when I was a kid because
I believed in Santa Claus, and unfortunately, so did
my parents.
One of the waitresses at the local internet cafe has
gone missing.
Server not found.
Approximately 105 million bicycles are made every
year. This is double the number of motor cars made
every year.