Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Morning......friends.. "witchy's" flying again, headed home....
Have a save trip....

Mess with me, will ya!...

Seems to be a problem..Huh?

A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass. The translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red. ~~thanks Diane~~

How can you turn down a face like that?


The brillant barrister F. E. Smith once defended a bus driver against claims that his negligence had caused injury to a young man's arm:

"Will you please show us how high you can lift your arm now?" Smith asked the plaintiff.

The young man obediently raised his arm to shoulder level, his face contorted with apparent pain.

"Thank you," said Smith.

"And now, please, will you show us how high you could lift it before the accident?"

The man's arm shot above his head.


When the antenna of my small television broke, I looked up the relevant part's number in the manual provided by the company and wrote to them asking for a replacement.

When the package arrived, I was furious to see that they had sent Part No 699 when I had actually asked them for No 669.

I shot off an angry missive to their Public Relations Dept.

Their reply: Turn it upside-down.

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