Friday, April 8, 2011

Well, Well..Ready for the weekend? 
The weather keeps going from hot to cool.
Showers and cool today...

Hey! that's not food........
Don't be looking like that...

Are you a dummie?
You don't know how??

He sez; Bring it on...
I'll make hamburger of your nose....

That's it....get all them meesies....
Them boogers are mean.....

Very true.......

Oh,Oh now I've done it...........

All I can say... Their good....

Baby's have no privacy.....

They love Chocolate.......

"Petewete" what would you do if you found this
guy in your bed.....
He's scary looking....

Well, I'm gonna ride off in comfort....
Tomorrow.. Friends.

~~ why don't blind men skydive.....? because it scares the hell out of the dog ..

~~ A severe thunderstorm knocked out the power to one of
our company’s buildings one night.
The following day, after correcting the problems the power
outage had created in the computer systems,
the computer department manager made a request to our
maintenance staff:
“In the future, please give us advance notice when such
interruptions will occur so we can shut down our system.”

~~ Adding a second floor on our home drew a lot of
One rainy Sunday my husband and his friend were
installing siding.
Just as his friend went upstairs to get some material,
an elderly woman stopped to admire their handiwork.
After exchanging pleasantries, the lady asked,
"Are you working all alone, son?"
"No," my husband replied, "I have a friend upstairs."
With a knowing nod, she said: "I know what you mean, son...
So do I."

~~As my graduation neared, I discovered that each student
was only allowed two guests at the ceremony.
Since I was recently married, my wife would obviously be one,
but both my parents wanted to go as well.
When I told my mother that we were one ticket short,
she was understandably chagrined.
"Oh, no!" she cried, "your father is going to miss your

~~ The all-male staff at my husband's work were planning
a barbecue at a colleague's house.
They were discussing whether wives and girlfriends should
be included.... when the fellow hosting the party objected.
"Let's not," he said.
"Then we'd have to have salads and everything."

~~ Petewete's pastor was delivering an impassioned sermon
on the evils of television.
He advised his congregation to follow his family's lead and
put their TV sets in a closet.
" That's right," his wife mumbled from the back of the church,
"and it gets awfully crowded in there."

~~ When her grandson Seth, was sent to stand outside the
principal's office, his grandma asked him after school,
"But why did you have to stand outside the principal's office?"
"Well, Grandma, he replied, "when you're in trouble,
they don't offer you a chair."

~~ Have you heard about the latest new drug?
When administered to women, it gives them the irresistible
urge to join a convent.
The FDA refuses to approve it, though.
They fear it will be habit- forming.

~~ With me in the car when I returned some books to the
library were my two long-haired dachshunds.
Ozy, who was in the backseat, has a habit of barking for a
minute or so after being left in the car.
Shandy, who remains quiet, was on the front passenger seat
when I parked in the lot near the library.
I was away for only a moment, and as I returned to the car I
could hear Ozy barking.
The driver of the car parked next to mine had a puzzled
expression on his face.
It was obvious that, while he had seen Shandy sitting on the
front seat, he was unaware of a second dog in the back.
"That's the first time I've seen a dog that could bark without
moving it's lips," he remarked.

~~ The members of my wife’s bridge club were exchanging
stories of their days camping with their families in the 1950s.
Each related how they remembered the primitive conditions...
gathering wood, pumping well water and carrying it to the
campsite, using an outhouse, and so forth.
Finally one woman asked my wife, who was raised in rural
Montana, if she had ever done any camping.
"Oh, no, we didn’t bother," she replied.
"We had all those inconveniences at home."

Todays Thought: "The first panacea for a mismanaged nation
is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists."

Rae's Trivia.... Ancient Roman, Chinese and German societies often used urine as mouthwash.


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