Friday, April 15, 2011

Morning, Friends.....TGIF DAY... weathers not to shabby today..
Saturday's gonna be not so good..... We're supposed to get
the whole shebang tomorrow... At least it's not freezing...
No Hummers yet......

Yes! good morning to you "Sunny"..

Oh, cought me......

He's watchin the "Cat Dancers" and gets carried away...

I asked you not to drink the fish water
fish pee in there.....

Yep...I see.......

Wow! You don't look to happy....
No cats to pester??

That don't work??
Damn....Petewete told me it would??
You think he told me wrong? I crazy??

He's sorta, kinda coming around.....

I'm sorry, Boo, Hoo....
I gotta go and do pushups......

~~ A butcher saw a lawyer passing by his shop one day, and asked him: Attorney, what would you do if a dog came in and stole your meat?  Lawyer replied: Why? of course, I’ll make the owner pay
for it!   The butcher said: If that is so, now you owe me $20 because it is your dog.
The Lawyer replied: very well, just deduct the $20 from the $50 you owe me for the advice,
I’ll collect the remaining $30 the next time I pass by here.

~~ It's not what you say in your argument,
it's how loud you say it.

~~ "If genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent
perspiration then evidentially I keep sharing elevators
with a lot of very intelligent people."

~~ In a student's first chemistry course, some time is
spent studying the periodic table of elements.
Many examples are used to explain the use of the word
An examination of successively larger elements shows
that there is repetition of their physical properties at
regular intervals.
A frequently asked question on the test at the end of this
unit is: "Explain why the table of elements is said to be
Illustrate your answer with several examples."
One student had at least caught on to the idea of
He answered: "Periodic means repetition.
We use the table several times a week.
Examples: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday."

~~ "I'm the oldest in my family," explained ten-year-old
Paul at the family reunion.
"And I'm the middle child," said seven-year-old Theo.
Four-year-old David stopped bouncing off the walls just
long enough to chime in, "And I'm the challenge!"

~~ Too often are we so preoccupied with the destination,
we forget the journey.

~~ My brother Darren's car was broken into one night.
He waited for the police with a woman he'd met in the
parking lot whose car had also been vandalized.
She complained about her stereo and a few CDs being
But she laughed when she heard what the thief had taken
from Darren's car...all his tools for installing burglar

~~ Keep America beautiful, swallow your beer cans!

~~ My six and seven-year-old children were opening
their first savings accounts at the bank.
After the teller filled out all the forms and the children
printed their names at the bottom, he told them
everything the accounts would do for them.
Then he asked them if they had any questions.
"Yes," said my daughter.
"When will I receive my credit card?"

~~ A help-wanted ad on a bulletin board:
"Reliable, caring mom would like to take care of your
child while you work in my home."

Todays Thought: Life is somewhat like a game of tennis; the one who serves well seldom loses.
Rae's Trivia....Silly Putty started as a mistake in a New Haven laboratory, and was turned into a consumer hit in the 1960s.   According to engineers, Silly Putty is a self-contradiction. Chemically, it is a liquid, but it resembles a solid.   The molecular structure will stretch if the structure is slowly pulled.
But if tugged, it snaps apart.   The toy has a rebound capacity of 75 to 80 percent, whereas a rubber ball has only about 50-percent capacity.  A silicon derivative, Silly Putty won’t rot; it can withstand
temperatures from minus 700 Fahrenheit to hundreds of degrees above zero.   On top of all that, it picks up newsprint, which often appears sharper than the original.

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