Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good Morning, Friends...... Weather is unsettled...
we'll get a little of everything...
I see the Hummingbirds are back for their visit...
Got a couple feeders out.....

Sunrises arn't much with out clouds...
Anyway here's yesterdays...

"Miss Maggie" watching the sunrise....

Petewete's favorite breakfast....
With Coffee of course....

Oh, No....don't mess with the my mouse...
I need him to finish the blog.....

I think your right.......

You won't tell?? will you?

What?? A couple Easter Monkeys?
I just don't know.....

Or Maybe them weird Monkeys scared him??

What can you say??

The Massage is Okay, but the ackupuncture No!
Your claws are too sharp.....

~~  Gus saw that Petewete's car was wrecked and
covered with leaves, grass, branches, dirt, and blood.
He asked, "What happened to your car?"
"Well," Petewete replied, "I ran into a lawyer."
"OK," said Gus, "that explains the blood, but what
about the leaves, the grass, the branches, and the dirt?"
"Well,"Petewete replied, "I had to chase him through
the park."

~~~~  Two coworkers are sitting at the bar having drinks.
their conversation becomes argumentative.
one fellow prepares to leave.
As he gets up he asks the other fellow if he knows the
difference between an asshole and a rectum.
 the other fellow says he doesn't.
The first fellow puts his arm around his coworkers
shoulders and says the difference is you can't put your
arm around a rectum.

~~  A crew of highway maintenance workers were sent to
repair some road signs that vandals had knocked down in
a forested area.
The first one they put back up was a symbol warning
of a deer crossing.
As they moved down the road to repair the next sign, one
member, of the crew looked back and spotted a deer
running across the highway.
She turned to a co-worker and said, "I wonder how long
he's been waiting to cross?"

~~  Fire swept the plains and burned down the farmer’s
While he surveyed the wreckage, his wife called their
insurance company and asked them to send a check for
$75,000, the amount of insurance on the barn.
 “We don’t give you the money,” a company official
“We replace the barn and all the equipment in it.”
 “In that case,” replied the wife, “cancel the policy I have
on my husband.”

~~  Petewete--, Did you know...
To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

Walking To School The First Day Back by Misty Bus
The Day The Car Pool Forgot Me by I. Rhoda Bike
Can't See The Chalkboard by Sidney Backrow
What I Dislike About Returning To School by Mona Lott
Making It Through The First Week Of School by Gladys Saturday
Is Life Over When Summer Ends? by Midas Welbee
What I Love About Returning To School by I.M. Kidding
Will Jimmy Finally Graduate? by I. Betty Wont
What Happens When You Get Caught Skipping School
by U. Will Gettitt

~~  Holding anger is like grasping a hot coal with the
intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one
who gets burned. - The Buddha

~~  Petewete sez: "Life is unfair.
I lost my car keys at a ball game and never found them.
I lost my sunglasses at the beach and never found them.
I lost my socks in the washing machine and never found
 I lost three pounds on a diet -- I found them and five more."

~~  The man who rows the boat seldom has time to rock it.

~~  There was a power outage at the R-ville Airport.
Who wants a TSA pat-down with the lights off?

Todays Thought: A smart husband is one who thinks twice and then says

Rae's Trivia...Biologists have discovered that cockroaches can change
course as often as 25 times in one second,
making them the most nimble animals known.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why cockroaches can be so fast Ugh
Rae x