Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Morning, Friends....
We are going to have Rain and thunder storms to night,
no snow for us, only rain called for so far..and in the 50's.
But you know how the weather can change.

Pete,I was ready to travel, if you needed me to shovel
you out.....of the ice...

The cat knows how to get breakfast....
Mine just set at the back steps, waiting to be

Carol's latest Painting.....
Golly, I got some Talented friends...
Great one Carol.....

Oh, No.... another one wanting breakfast....

Don't worry... it's on its way, for most of the country.

Oh, No... not that...

I take it you don't like baths.....

Just because you don't like to get wet...
you didn't have to draw blood!!

What can I say¿¿

Well, gotta go...Granny's calling me...

~~ For the Lady called "Froggy"....

A forthright connoisseur of culture, whose increasing
years had made her increasingly frank,
was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a newly
opened gallery.
Suddenly, one contemporary painting caught her eye.
"What on earth," she inquired of the artist standing nearby,
"is that?"
He smiled condescendingly.
"That, my dear lady, is supposed to be a Frog."
"Well, then," snapped the woman in reply, "Why isn't it?"

~~ A sign posted on the wall of an Army mess hall read:
"Don't Waste Food...Food Will Win the War."
Beneath these words someone had scrawled:
"That's fine, but how do we get the enemy to eat here?"

~~ Did you hear about the big winner on "Jeopardy!"?
He went home the next day and his wife said,
"Who were those women I saw you outwit last night?"

~~ In every class there may be one student who wants to
argue with everything the professor says.
The professor may want to silence him immediately.
But he should think twice about that,
for that may be the only student in the whole class who's
listening to him.

~~ "Somehow, I have to convince my mother and father
to spend more time learning about the Internet,"
a teenage boy remarked glumly to an amused friend.
"You're not going to believe this, but last night I was
grounded for using the work "blogging" in front of my

~~ A candidate for an opening at a public relations firm
got the position with his answer when asked,
"What makes you the right person for this job?
His response was, "Some men are born great,
some achieve greatness.
As for the rest, I will thrust greatness upon them."

~~ Why can't blonds double recipes?
The oven doesn't go to 700 degrees.

~~ Daily News Headlines Worth a Second Look....
*Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
*Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
*Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case
*Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
*Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
*Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
*Include Your Children when Baking Cookies
*Clinton Wins on Budget, But More Lies Ahead
*Miners Refuse to Work after Death
*Two Sisters Reunited After 18 Years at Checkout Counter
*Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
*Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
*Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
*Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge

~~ I've been unable to get the letters A E I O and U out
of my head.
I think I've got Irritable Vowel Syndrome.

~~ A man patted his daughter's hand fondly, and told her,

"Your young man told me today he wanted you as a bride,
and I gave my consent."
"Oh, Daddy," gushed the daughter,
"it's going to be so hard leaving Mummy."
"I understand perfectly, my dear," beamed the man.
"Take her with you!"

Todays thought:  "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where

there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rae's Trivia.. London Alderman Sir William Cooper (1599-1664) once attended a banquet hosted by the London Clothworkers' Company.
Having liberally indulged himself in brandy,
he returned home...and immediately dropped dead.
The Clothworkers, accused by his distraught wife of having
killed her husband with their toxic brandy,
must have been overjoyed to receive, upon her death,
an endowment...to be used to replace their noxious brandy
with more salubrious gin.
To this day, at the Clothworkers' feasts brandy and gin are
offered with the words,....
"Do you dine with Alderman or Lady Cooper?"


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