Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Morning...friends.. looks like a nice summer day...
But the leaves are starting to fall........
I'm wondering about the fall colours.......

The meeting...... The kid and the Tiger...

Salvador Dali, walkin' the anteaters.....

Somebodys been the food, I wonder...

Shark soup.......?

Rare photos of three bald eagles fighting.........

Why would you do this?? Looks so unreal......

This tat is so sick........

What can you say......I guess he liked his woman and his cards......

Ready for a hot shower?


~~ Robert L. Ripley (1890-1949) had one of the largest

automobile collections in the world, yet he never knew
how to drive.

~~ A cinematographer worked on a movie with the same
glamorous actress he had worked with six years earlier.
This time she was unhappy with the result.
"I looked much better last time you filmed me," she said.
"Well," said the tactful man, "I was six years younger then."

~~ My daughter Ree worked in my law office while she
attended graduate school.
One morning a call came in for her.
I said she wasn't in yet and offered to take a message.
The caller said she'd phone back later.
At 11:00 a.m., the caller tried again, and I reported that Ree
had gone to lunch.
The last call came in at 3:30 p.m.
"I'm sorry," I said, "she's left for the day.
May I take a message?"
"Yes," the caller replied.
"How can I get a job with you?"

~~ Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground,
and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off.

~~ Somewhat skeptical of his son's newfound determination to
become the next Charles Atlas, the father nevertheless followed
the teenager over to the weight-lifting department.
"Please, Dad," whined the boy, "I promise I'll use them every day."
"I don't know, Michael.
It's really a big commitment on your part," the father pointed out.
"Please, Dad?"
"They're not cheap either."
"I'll use them Dad, I promise....... You'll see."
Finally won over, the father paid for the equipment and headed
for the door.
From the corner of the store he heard his son yell, "What!...
You mean I have to carry them to the car?!"

~~ VISITOR - "Do you like playing the trombone, dear?"
CHILD - "Oh, no, I hate it, really, but Mommy makes me do it when
she wants people to go."

~~ My husband is a car nut.
That's why I could appreciate the card he gave me on our
fifth wedding anniversary.
It read, "The last 72,000 miles of my life have been the best ever!"

~~ For every problem there's a simple solution.
Unfortunately it's usually wrong.

~~ At my twelve-year-old's request, I loaded my Rolling Stones
tunes onto his iPod.
"I had no idea you liked the Stones," I said.
"Sure. I like all that old-fashioned music," he said.
"What do you mean, 'old-fashioned music'?"
"You know," he said defensively. "Music from the 1900s."

~~ QUESTION: Why are teeth like verbs?
ANSWER: They are regular, irregular and defective.

~~ George V (1865-1936), an avid stamp collector,
was with his private secretary one afternoon when his
secretary remarked,"I see in The Times today that some
damn fool has given fourteen hundred pounds for a single
stamp at a private sale."
The king replied, "I am that damn fool."

~~ A small town is a place where there is little to see or do,
but what you hear makes up for it.

~~ Gus took his family to visit a living history museum,
which included seeing houses and stores that were more than
one hundred years old.
After they entered an old one-room schoolhouse Gus pointed
to a desk that had an empty hole for an ink bottle.
"What do you think this hole was for? he asked his kids.
His twelve-year-old son Arty replied, "It's a Coke can holder."

Todays Thought: Those who do not read are no better off than those who cannot.

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