Monday, June 29, 2009

Good Morning.....Did ya have a good weekend?
We had a nice one......

My "Monday morning cup......

The new born cafe is doing great........stays close to Mom....

Baby Fox......cute...

It's always feeding time......

Yep....climb in bed with "Witchy"....always room for one more......

He's not interested in baby birds........

Don't fall in the hole........I'd like to see one in person
I bet it does not look the same........

Well, time for me to just swim away.......
~~~ One for Taz: What do you do when you get a pin thrown at you?
Run like mad, there's a blonde with a handgrenade between her teeth...

~~~ It is going to feel like Christmas in July in the field in front my home for the next few weeks.
My yard buddies, the fireflies have finally returned to put on another Summer light show every evening for all of us to enjoy.
It is such a delight seeing their little, golden lights blinking on and off just like the lights on a Christmas tree.
It brings me such joy watching my whole backyard and the woods around it twinkle like it is Christmastime while the warm, summer breezes tickle my face.
It reminds me that anytime of the year can feel like Christmas if you have love in your heart and light in your soul.

~~~ "A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he's in there, as if he needed company.
The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station." (Bill Cosby)

~~~ Man of the hour: the fellow whose wife told him to wait a minute.

~~~ Four farmers were seated at the bar in a tavern.
At the table next to them sat a young girl.
The first man said, "I think it's WOOMB."
The second replied, "No, it must be WOOOOMBH."
The third said, "You both have it wrong -- it's WOOM."
The fourth stated, "No, it has to be WOOMMMMBBB."
At this, the young lady could stand it no longer.
She got up, walked over to the farmers and said, "Look, you hayseeds, it's WOMB.
That's it, that's all there is to it."
Then she left.
Eventually, one of the farmers broke the silence by saying, "Well, I don't know.
A slip of a girl like that, I don't see how she could know.
I'll bet she's never even heard an elephant fart!"

~~~ I started early teaching my kids the value of a dollar.
From then on, they demanded their allowances in gold.

~~~ "When Charles first saw our child Mary, he said all the proper things for a new father.
He looked upon the poor little red thing and blurted, 'She's more beautiful than the Brooklyn Bridge.'"


~~~ My mind is now so crowded with valuable information that I can't think.

~~~ Guards escorted a handcuffed prisoner into the courtroom where I stood as the court deputy.
"Is this a tough judge?" the prisoner asked.
"Yes," the bailiff said....... "A tough but fair judge."
"Yeah? How tough?"
"The toughest judge since Pontius Pilate," the bailiff replied."
I don't know him," the prisoner replied, "I'm not from around here."

~~~ My granddaughter came to spend a few weeks with me, and I decided to teach her to sew.
After I had gone through a lengthy explanation of how to thread the machine, she stepped back, put her hands on her hips, and said in disbelief, "You mean you can do all that, but you can't operate my Wii?"

~~~ Every man needs a wife because there are a number of things that go wrong that one cannot blame on the government.

~~~ I decided to make myself useful and do a load of the family laundry.
When I took the clothes out of the machine, I my dismay...that I had also washed the watch my wife had given me while we were dating.
"Don't expect me to replace it," she said later with an obvious lack of sympathy.
By the time Father's Day rolled around, however, she had relented and gave me a beautiful new watch.
Attached was a note with this stipulation: "DRY-CLEAN ONLY!"

~~~ One Saturday night my boss and her family came to our house to play cards.
As they were driving away at the end of the evening, I discovered that she had left her purse in a corner next to the dining-room hutch.
I was about to call her house, intending to leave a message on the answering machine, when my son reminded me that they had a cellphone.
As I dialed the number, I marveled at the technology that would alert them before they had driven all the way home.
A few seconds later the purse began to ring.
Todays Thought: That was faster than green grass going through a goose.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Gus, about that hand grena......... bang
Taz xx