Monday, May 25, 2009

Good Morning........ Memorial Day......


Simper Fi....Dad.....

Nice Picture.....Don't know were....

Bad Cat........

He's hungry.........and won't be denied.......

You know....I can see a little smile on it's face...........

Just don't leave anything behind.......

Makes you feel small....don't it.....
~~~ One of my fourth graders asked my teacher's assistant, "How old are you, Mrs. Glass?"
"You should never ask an adult's age," I broke in.
"That's okay." Harriett said smiling..... "I'm fifty."
"Wow, you don't look that old," the boy said.
I was breathing a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, "Parts of her do."

~~~ During his spare time my brother, an attorney, volunteers on his town's fire and rescue squad.
When I mentioned this to a friend, he smiled and said, "Let me get this straight.
Your brother is a lawyer and an EMT?
So he doesn't have to chase the ambulance -- he's already in it?"

~~~ I hate when women compare men to dogs.
Men are not dogs................. Dogs are loyal.
I've never found any strange panties in my dog's house.

~~~ A man is walking with his friend.
He says to this friend....... "I'm a walking economy.
"The friend asks, "How so?"
"My hair line is in recession, my stomach is a victim of inflation, and both of these together are putting me into a deep depression?"

~~~ "What's wrong, "Officer?"
I asked the cop those three dreaded words seconds after he'd pulled me over.
Didn't you notice that you were driving the wrong way down a one- way street?" he asked.
"No" I said..... "I'd turned on from Maple, which didn't have any signs indicating that this street was one-way."
"That's because you were going the wrong way down Maple too."

~~~ As I pulled into a crowded parking lot, I asked the cop standing there, "Is it all right to park here?"
"No," he said..... "Can't you see that No Parking sign?"
"What about all those other cars in there?"He shrugged.
"They didn't ask."

~~~ Dr Chesler was trying very hard to convince Gus that he should give up drinking.
"Ever notice a cactus plant?" he asked the boozer.
"If you pour water around its roots it thrives, turns greener and grows bigger.
Take the same cactus plant.
Pour vile liquor on it and what happens?
It shrivels, it shrinks, it dies.
Doesn't this teach you anything?"
"Yes," said Gus........."If you want a cactus growing in your stomach drink water."

~~~ After not firing a gun for years, I visited a nearby pistol range.
I was awful, couldn't hit a thing.
Turning to my friend, who was watching, I said, "I know it may be hard to believe, but I was on my school's shooting team."
He asked, "What were you, the target?"


~~~ I was on the computer in my home office when my eight-year-old son asked what I did for a living.
"I'm a consultant," I said.
"What's a consultant?"
"It's someone who watches people work and then tells them how they could do it better."
"We have people like that in my class," he said, "but we call them pests."
Todays Thought: Behold the turtle.
He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smiles again Gus. Semper Fi. May we never forget
Rae x