Sunday, November 2, 2008

Good Morning...peoples.....Hows everyone doing?....................

This Little one seemsto be doing great......................................

I'ze lookin fer me Modder...........................................................

Not me...I gottawear these pumpkins on me...........................

And you think you got it bad...just look at what i got to wear.

Me, I think I look cute.....I like dressing like a flower..............

A true blue rose...Truely made by man....................................

♥ I don't know why people complain about secondhand smoke.
At nearly three dollars a pack, don't they realize how much money they're saving?

♥ Seven Signs That You May Be Addicted To Your Cell Phone.
1. You miss it when it's roaming.
2. Spelling "later" is impossible without the number eight.
3. You often mumble "Can you hear me now?" in your sleep.
4. You consider dropped calls a personal offense.
5. You can hear it ringing when it's in silent mode.
6. Your phone'e backup battery has a backup.
7. You count "texting" as part of your daily exercise.

♥ Our friend Kathy, a school nurse, took one look at the emergency card filled out by a student's mother and knew she had to give the woman a call..
"It says here that your son's allergic to Sicilians," Kathy said..

"He is," came the reply..
"He's allergic to all of the Sicilians..
You know, penicillin, amoxicillin..."..

♥ I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have sense enough to do without my persuading them..
That's all the powers of the President amount to.....................
~~~Harry Truman~~~

♥ A recent college graduate eager to put his degree to work, began looking for a writing job.
After faxing off an application, he decided to reread the document.
The very first line read, "I good at writing."

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