Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Morning...Good Looking People....
Get the barbie's out and fired up...

Eggs looking good about now......
With biscuits and links.....
Gonna be good...

Yep.... looking great.....

Yep, believe me....I know...

Man,  he looks mean....

A spy.....huh??
I don't know, I think you've been watching to much T.V.

Why yew come knowing on my door??

I'ze comfortible....youse?

Yep....looks like he's got a good home.....

Did you brush your teeth??
Open wide, so I can see......

Flying dog??

Petewete....don't this look good....
I'll leave you some so you'll
have something to chew on while I'm gone....

~~ Petewete was saying how he made it almost all the way home from a New Years Eve party with no problem and just as he turned the last corner some clown stepped on his fingers.

~~ A policeman went up to a street musician and asked,
"Excuse me, sir, do you have a license to play that violin in
the street?"
And the violinist answered, "Well, actually, no."
"In that case I'm going to have to ask you to accompany me."
"Of course, officer.
What would you like to sing?"

~~ Hitchhiker's sign: "Destination Chicago.
Will pay half the gas..... Only economy cars need stop."

~~ Sign in a R-ville shop:
Good home wanted for year old Basset hound...
understands everything I say but ignores it.

~~ Children, like sponges, absorb all your strength and
leave you limp, but then give them a squeeze and you get
it all back.

~~ I want to buy a shotgun for my husband.
Yes, ma'am, does he know what gauge he wants?
No, he doesn't even know I'm going to shoot him.

~~ Hard to believe, but many of our customers at the bank
still don't know how to swipe their card through the ATM
card reader.
Because of this, my fellow tellers and I often find ourselves
having to explain how it's done.
One teller complained that she kept getting odd looks every
time she explained it.
I found out why when I overheard her tell one man,
"Strip down facing me."

~~ Never get up in the morning with a long face,
or you'll have that much more to shave.

~~ My daughter, a law school graduate, had scheduled
an appointment to have her wisdom teeth removed
immediately following her semester exams.
After the procedure was over, the oral surgeon came into
the recovery room to tell her everything had gone well and
she could leave soon.
Then he added, "I have to tell you,
I've had people come out of anesthesia talking about just
about everything -- their love lives, embarrassing moments.
Some of them even start swearing at us.
But you're the first patient to have ever given me a lecture
on constitutional law."

~~ I tried a bit of cage fighting last night.
I'm fine but you should see the parakeet!!!

~~ It always seems that when you put peanut butter on a
piece of bread it always lands with the peanut butter side
down and a cat always lands on it's feet.
What happens if you drop a cat with peanut butter on it's

Todays Thought; "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world."

Rae's Trivia... Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?.    In popular mythology, the ostrich is famous for hiding its head in the sand at the first sign of danger..      There have been no recorded
observations of this behaviour..  The myth may have resulted from the fact that, from a distance, when ostriches feed they appear to be burying  their head in the sand because they deliberately swallow
sand/pebbles to help grind up their food... When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds are
known to lay their head and neck flat on the ground.. When threatened, ostriches run away, but they can also seriously injure with kicks from their powerful legs..
I was also amazed to find out that ostriches can live up to 70 years and their eggs are the largest of all eggs.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had a great time catching up for this week, sweet pics, laughs and good trivia What else could we ask for?
Have a good walkabout and we'll catch up soon
Rae xx