Sunday, November 28, 2010

# 1130

Good Morning, Friends and neighbors....
A chilly 25º this morning... today's daytime temp...44º
The weather is bouncing up and down like a yo-yo..

A sunrise from the back yard, I was feeding the cats..

A sunset from the other day...

Friends?? the dog looks scared..

Mama's got her baby.....

Okay, I'm sorry of disapproving...

Pete, they need your help strighting out the wires you put up....

Oh, Boy are you going to get a talking to....

Now, you know why I won't swim in the creek out back...

Yeah, tou better not.......

I just don't know about this guy?

No wonder they don't have room for me...
It's that time.....good day...

~~ Our 17-year-old daughter, has finally shown some interest in cooking.
Recently, while we were watching TV, she was baking some
french fries and asked me to pause the show.
In less than a minute, she came back to the den.
"What was that about?" I asked.
She said that the instructions told her to turn the fries
halfway through cooking.
I remarked that she was pretty fast in flipping all those fries.
"Is that what it meant?" she replied.
"I just turned the pan around."

~~ Every effort must be made in childhood to teach the
young to use their own minds.
For one thing is sure: If they don't make up their own minds,
someone will do it for them.

~~ Taxiing down the tarmac, the 747 abruptly stopped,
turned around and returned to the gate.
After a two hour delay, it finally took off.
Barry, a worried passenger asked the steward,
'What was the problem?'
'The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine',
explained the flight attendant,
'and it took us a while to find a new pilot.'

~~ When the graveside service had no more than terminated,
There was a tremendous burst of thunder accompanied by a
distant lightning bolt and more rumbling thunder.
The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said,
"Well, she's there."

~~ As a newspaper photographer, I often spoke to groups
about my job.
After a presentation at a local primary school,
I received a note from one of the students:
"Thank you for telling us about your job.
I really like the photo with the burning house.
I wonder what it would be like to be a fireman?"

~~ A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has
not sufficient capital to form a corporation.

~~ At the dinner table, Lauren's six-year-old son Vincent
asked, "Are there still kings and queens in the world?"
Lauren just rolled her eyes when her nine-year-old son Reed
answered, "Yes Burger King and Dairy Queen."

~~ "My parents, my whole life, combined my birthday with
Christmas," Rita Rudner once recalled, "and you know how
frustrating that is for a child...especially 'cause I was born in

~~ My mother-in-law did not like venison,
a dislike she made extremely clear to me.
One day she dropped in, so I served her what we had in the
house, which was little individual meat loaves wrapped
around hard boiled eggs and covered with cheese sauce.
She absolutely adored them and insisted that I give her the
After telling her twice that she really didn't want it,
I finally gave in.
Just after she put her third helping on her plate,
I began the recipe. "Take three pound of ground deer meat . . . "
She put her third helping back on the serving platter.

~~ Boss: You got your hair cut on company time.
Sue: It grew on company time.
Boss: Not all that hair.
Sue: I didn't get it all cut.

~~ W. C. Fields always kept a martini-filled thermos on hand
while he was filming.
When pressed for an explanation, he invariably maintained
that the flask contained nothing but pineapple juice.
One day, shortly after a colleague had put his claim to the test,
Fields's angst-ridden cry rang out across the set:
"Somebody put pineapple juice," he cried,
"in my pineapple juice!"
"What contemptible scoundrel," Fields asked on another
occasion, "has stolen the cork to my lunch?"

~~ On a crowded bus, Gus noticed that Pete had his eyes
"What's the matter? Are you sick?" he asked.
"No, I'm okay........
It's just that I hate to see old ladies standing."

Todays Thought: "Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune;                                                      but great minds rise above them." - Washington Irving
And for pete this morning: Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that sunrise was awesome!!!