Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Morning, Friends....A pretty nice rainy day......
The storms went west and north of us.....maybe a storm tonight.

Their out looking for breakfast....also working up an appetite..

Ah, here you go....breakfast!

Wow....great job..."Alison."
I'm not a snake fan though.....
I think it's cool...

Ready set go......hit the switch!

Smile for the camera.......

This kittie has a warm, soft bed......

They small....Bubba.........

Did you have breakfast...this morning?
Have some milk to wash it down....

She thought that was funny.......


Well, I gotta go and pick up "Bobbie"
See ya later......

~~ Flex phoned the fire department and said: "I have just had my front

yard landscaped, I have nice new flowerbeds, a rose border, a new fish
pond and a fountain."
"Very nice," said the fire chief, "but what does that have to do with the
fire service?"
Flex said: Because next door's house is on fire, and I don't want
your men trampling all over my front yard!"

~~ Nowadays, when Granny sits at the spinning wheel,
chances are she's at the casino.

~~ Sign displayed in florist's shop; "Don't write letters.
Better send flowers, they can't be read in court."

~~ Although my father has lived in America for almost 60 years,
he's never lost his Irish accent or fiery temperament.
One cold, snowy winter day, he realized he had locked his car keys
in the car.
My mother went into a nearby store to see if she could get some help.
When she returned, my dad introduced her to a tall policeman from
Ireland, who had unlocked the car door.
After she thanked the policeman, he explained.
"I couldn't leave a fellow countryman in distress."
"How did you know he was your countryman?" Mom asked.
"Well" he replied, "I haven't heard language like that since I left Ireland!"

~~ Q: What's the definition of an accountant?
A: Someone who solves a problem, you didn't know you had,
in a way you don't understand.

~~ A young man visited an observatory for the first time.
While there he watched the astronomer look through a large telescope.
When the young man looked up at the night sky, he just happened to
see a shooting star.
"That's amazing!" he said.......
"You sure are a great shot."

~~ One stormy winter morning an obviously anxious mother called
the school office to ask if her son's bus had gotten there safely.
She was asked, "What is your son's name and what grade is he in?"
A giggle followed a pause. "Oh, my son's not a student.
He's the bus driver."

~~ Several new army recruits were marched by their sergeant to the
medical facility to be inoculated.
While standing in line one recruit remarked to another,
"Wow, what an outfit! We have only been in the army for fifteen minutes
and already we are presenting arms!"

~~ Gus: What is the best thing to take when one is run down?
Pete: I don't know.
Gus: The license number of the car.

~~ You'll Never Hear A Woman Say ...
What do you mean today's our anniversary?
Can we not talk to each other tonight? I'd rather just watch TV.
Ohh, this diamond ring is way too big!!
And for our honeymoon let's go fishing in Alaska!
Aww, don't stop for directions, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out
how to get there.
Is that phone for me? Tell 'em I'm not here.
I don't care if it is on sale, 100 dollars is too much for a dress.

Todays Thought:   Never trust a computer you can't throw out of a window.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW You sure spoil Bobbie, all these fancy rides ;-)