Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good morning...friends and readers....
We're having a very nice day ahead....

He's ready for can anyone be afraid of him?

He's saying...that critter was this big...........

Mama's watching her little one.....built in leash........

A cutie learning to bite.........

Watch out.....mean critters.......

I didn't know that............

Beer cans?!

I don't know why, but I found this funny........
~~ Two oranges walk into a pub and one says to the other......

"You're round!"

~~ A piece of string walks into the pub.
The barman says, "Sorry mate, we don't serve string."
String goes outside, ties itself up a bit, pulls it's ends apart,
goes back in the pub.
Barman says, "Aren't you that piece of string I just
refused to serve?"
String says, "No mate, I'm a frayed knot"..

~~ A man sitting in the bar found that the front of his trousers
was all wet.
Turning to the man on his right he asked,
"Did you pour beer on my trousers?"
Nope," came the reply.
Then, turning to the man on his left, he asked,
"Did you pour beer on my trousers?"
The man also replied, "Nope."
"Oops, it must have been an inside job."

~~ "Women grow radical with age.
One day an army of gray-haired women may quietly take
over the earth."

~~ Sign in a flower shop: "Bring flowers home to your wife.
She must be mad at you for something."

~~ TEACHER: What's the purpose for having school?
ALEX: Without school there would be no reason for holidays and summer vacation.

~~ "You can say this for ready-mixes...
the next generation isn't going to have any trouble making pies
exactly like grandmother used to make."

~~ "It would be nice if the Food and Drug Administration
stopped issuing warnings about toxic substances and just
gave me the names of one or two things still safe to eat."

~~ A very sad looking man walks into the pharmacy
Asks for some arsenic & the pharmacist asks him do you
have pest problems... rats, ect?
No replies the man I've just had a very rough life & I'm going
to end it!
Ok, says the pharmacist that will be....fifteen twenty five
The man hands him a twenty, the pharmacist pushes the
order across the counter & shoves the twenty in the till.
The man stands there staring at the pharmacist.
What! says the pharmacist serious....
You want change?

~~ Earl said, When I was a kid we were so poor,
we would go to KFC and lick other peoples fingers.

~~~ Sitting around the hotel pool, Steve said to Richard,
"Oh, I love bathing beauties."
Richard snorted. "Lucky you!
All I ever get to bathe is my dogs."

~~ If someone comments that he took a financial beating
in the market, he might be talking about the supermarket.
Todays Thought: There is a lot more juice in grapefruit than meets the eye.
or... The more you know, the more you know you ought to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure missed dropping by to check on your pics and jokes. Thoroughly enjoyed catching, love "frayed knot"

Cold and wet can feel winter coming in today's wind. Envying you right now.

Have a good week,