Friday, May 23, 2008

Good Morning.....People, friends and lovers.....

Damn....they look familiar....

Just walking in the fog........

Somewere in this my friend......Oh, there she is.

Of course I gotta have a cat picture......Right..Missy?


Three Insurance salesmen were having drinks and boasting about each companies' service.

The first one said, "When one of our insured died suddenly on Monday, we got the news that evening and were able to process the claim for the wife and mailed a check on Wednesday evening."

The second one said, "When one of our insured died without warning on Monday, we learned of it in 2 hours and were able to hand-deliver a check the same evening."

The last salesman said, "That's nothing. Our office is on the 20th floor of the Chrysler Building.

One of our insured who was washing a window on the 60th floor, slipped and fell.

We handed him his check as he passed our floor."


The electric company received a complaint from a lady that two of the electric company repairmen were working outside her home and they used a lot of profanity.

A check of company records turned up the names of the two men who had been working in that area at the time involved.

The two men were called into the office to answer the accusation.

One of the men said "Why, that just isn't so.

I remember that job. Herbie climbed a pole to do the repair.

He was leading the connection when the pot of melted lead tipped over.

The melted lead hit the back of my neck and ran down inside my shirt.

"Then, I said to Herbie 'Please do be more careful with that melted lead, Herbie.'


Husband with hand on television control: "Dear, do you have anything to say before the football season starts?"

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