Monday, May 28, 2012

Today we celebrate Memorial Day.
It seems to me that a lot of people have lost sight
of the meaning of the day.
Of course everyone gathers together, family and friends,
to have the first burgers and hot dogs of the summer season
at the annual cookout.
This has been done for many, many years and has become
one of our traditions.
When I was a kid, the parade was always a big thing,
lots of bands, flags and soldiers.
The planes flying in formation overhead, what a thrill.
There are, unfortunately no big parades where I am now.
And I always looked forward to getting a poppy.
In fact, I had a Memorial Day red poppy for most of my life..
I always proudly wore it...

The meaning of the word MEMORIAL is to "celebrate or honor
the memory of a person or event..." In the case of our Memorial
Day, it's to honor all of our FALLEN, FATHERS, HUSBANDS,
The tradition of Memorial Day goes back to 1868.
Flowers were placed on the graves of the brave soldiers, that gave
their all during the Civil War, now resting in Arlington Cemetery.
The North and South differed in their ways to honor these men
and didn't come together until after WWI when it was decided
that soldiers of ALL wars would be honored.
Over the course of our history, there have been too many,
but they all died with HONOR.
So, my friends, this upcoming holiday is to HONOR OUR WAR
Please take a moment out of your day to bow your head and say a
silent thank you, or to say a prayer of thanks out loud, visit a
local cemetery and help the vets put flags on the graves.
Just be sure to say THANK YOU to the memories of these great


The Secret Service issued new rules of conduct for their agents on
They can no longer get drunk, procure hookers or go to strip bars.
The rules say that from now on, if agents feel compelled to engage
in such behavior, they can run for public office like everyone else.

A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman
sitting on a bench, passionately kissing.
"Why don't you do that?" said the wife.
"Honey," replied her husband, "I don't even know that woman!"

I've always ordered beverages one simple way: "A Coke, please."
Lately, though, this hasn't seemed to work.
Waitresses now often respond, "I'm sorry, we don't have Coke.
We have Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb.
"Tired of listening to the long list of soft drinks, I thought I'd make
life easier.
So one day I simply asked the snack bar clerk at a movie theater
for a "dark, carbonated beverage."
The young man behind the counter chuckled and asked, "Sir,
would you like a cylindrical plastic sucking device with that?"

A man who owned a piano was sitting at it and attempting to play
it one day when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and saw a man with a toolbox and asked why he
was at his door.
"I'm the piano tuner" he says.
Stunned, he tells him, "I didn't call for a piano tuner".
The man replies, "I know, your neighbors did".

Life is too short,
so smile before you lose all your teeth.

I've heard everyone is joining this new group on Facebook:
"Join If You Know Someone Who Is An Asshole"
I think it's weird how everyone in the group has me as a mutual

What's the difference between pay day and a guy who's lousy in
Payday never comes too early.

My Chinese work-friend came over to stay with me the other week
and when he left he wanted to take back a souvenir to show off to
his friends and family.
 Only problem was, we couldn't actually find one that hadn't been
made by his friends or family.

A new app tells your Facebook friends if you're
not following your diet.
Of course your friends could always figure it out
that other way: looking at your photos on Facebook.

President Obama is calling for more government
reform after JPMorgan's $2 billion loss.
Really, is that what we need — the government
stepping in?
You know what's going to happen?
The government's going to teach them how to
lose $2 billion a DAY!
