Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Morning, Friends and neighbors...
Well, we're in a cold spell....
The weather keeps going up and down....
In the 80's then freezing....
I'm reading 31º right now......

A wee bit of snow yesterday morning.....

Ready for breakfast.....Pete?
Oh, No....he's still in bed.....
Sleep on, I eat it.....

If "Bubba" don't watch out he'll be breakfast....

Bubba...He's waiting.........

Breakfast time for the cats...
Dogs gotta wait.....

Their waiting for the "Breakfast bee's" to come by.....

Oh, No...just what I needed.....
You put them back were they were!

Cool bike, Huh?

Got any "Chia" Cats??
You cool, Homer!!

If we had this Pete, we could go fishing.....
It's cool....Huh??

~~ A sweet little boy surprised his grandmother one morning and brought her a cup of coffee.
He made it himself and he was so proud.    Anxiously, he waited to hear the verdict.
The grandmother in all her life had never had such a bad cup of coffee.
As she forced down the last sip, his grandmother noticed three of those little green army guys were in the bottom of the cup.
She asked, "Honey, why would three of your little army men
be in the bottom of my cup?"
Her grandson replied, "You know grandma, it's like on TV.
'The best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup'."

~~ From a passenger ship one can see a bearded man
on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving
his hands.
"Who is it?" a passenger asks the captain.
"I've no idea. Every year when we pass, he goes mad."

~~ "Isn't politics just horrible these days?
People are now saying that Hillary Clinton has spent millions
of dollars on plastic surgery.
She's so good looking now that her husband hit on her by
accident last night." --Dave Letterman

~~ A young woman was preparing a ham dinner.
After she cut off the end of the ham, she placed it in a pan
for baking.
Her friend asked her, ”Why did you cut off the end of the ham”?
And she replied ,”I really don’t know but my mother always did,
so I thought you were supposed to.”
Later when talking to her mother she asked her why she cut
off the end of the ham before baking it, and her mother
replied, “I really don't know, but that's the way my mom
always did it.”
A few weeks later while visiting her grandmother,
the young woman asked, “Grandma, why is it that you cut off
the end of a ham before you bake it?”
Her grandmother replied, “Well dear, otherwise it would
never fit into my baking pan.”

~~ Years ago it was suggested that an apple a day kept the
doctor away.
But since all now are Muslim, I've found that a bacon
sandwich works best!

~~ A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead were walking
along the beach.
A seagull flies over and craps all over the blonde.
The brunette says in a disgusted voice, "Hang on.
The bathroom is just up the hill.
I'll go get some toilet paper."
After she leaves the blonde begins to laugh.
The Redhead says, "What's so funny?"
The blonde says, "Well, blondes are supposed to be so
dumb and look at her!
By the time she gets back with that toilet paper that seagull
will be miles away!"

~~ A lie is an abomination unto the Lord and an ever
present help in time of trouble.

~~ The judge was firm, "I sentence you to eighteen months
for breaking into a house during the night."
The defendant said,"Your Honor, the last time I was here,
you put me away for eighteen months for breaking in
during the daytime.
If I can't do it at night or in the daytime, when am I supposed
to make a living?"

~~ Back in the 1940s, two first-time flyers took a plane from
New York to Los Angeles.
When they made their first stop at Philadelphia, a red truck
arrived to put fuel in the plane.
A little while later, they landed in Pittsburgh, and again a
red truck pulled up to fill the plane's tanks with fuel.
Each time they landed to discharge or take on passengers,
a red truck would pull up and add fuel to the tanks.
Finally, after landing in Kansas City and seeing the truck pull
up again, one passenger said to the other:
"We sure are making good time."
"Yes, we are," said the other," and so is that red truck!"

~~ A thin man started down the escalator in a shopping mall.
Behind him was a rather plump lady.
The plump lady lost her footing and crashed into the man,
dragging him down the escalator with her.
At the bottom, the man brushed himself off and said,
"Thank you, but this is as far as I go!"

Todays Thought:  life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
Rae's Trivia... A dolphin produces notes 100 times higher than the highest note a human soprano can reach even in the shower..........


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