Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good Morning...Friends.
Partly cloudy and in the lower 40's..
Weather, wet Tuesday& Wednesday...

No breakfast for me this morning...
Don't look like "Links" to me...

Sez, he don't want any either....

Me neither...I'z listening to "Elvis".....

We all need someone to fix our bad days.....

Don't look like Max....

Smile for the camera.....

Pocket creature ?
Looks like a Sugar glider....

I think somebody goofed.....

Damn, "Curly"  Are you that Hungry??

Yep, you look Happy......

Some body didn't plan ahead.....
This is wrong in so many ways....

Well, time to leave.....

~~ I met a guy today called Percy Vere.

I said, ' That's a funny name.'
'Yeh, ' He said, 'But I just keep carrying on!'

~~ Apple are developing a gadget that will keep your
drinks chilled for longer times.
They call it iScube..

~~ It would be nice.....
if suicide bombers practiced before going to the job.

~~ Bad pickup line......
My friends and I saw you over here, and decided that a girl
as beautiful as you can't be left to sit on her own.
So, we drew lots to see who would come over here and ask
you to dance......... I lost, so here I am.

~~ I just got banned from a church.
Apparently it's 'disrespectful' to run through the church
graveyard singing staying alive.

~~ A man was visiting his elderly neighbour and was given
a tour of his home.
In the den was a stuffed lion.
The neighbor asked, "When did you bag him?"
The old man said proudly, "That was three years ago, when
I went hunting with my ex-wife."
"What's he stuffed with?" asked the neighbour.
"My ex-wife," replied the old man.

~~ My neighbor has created a new toilet that plays music...
It's called an iPood.

~~ Two old friends are playing golf when they get
to the 9th tee, where there is a rest area overlooking a lake.
Gus looks at Pete and says,
"Hey Pete, check out those two idiots fishing in the rain"

~~ He's in really bad shape...
So Froggy calls the town psychiatrist and cries,
"Doctor, you've got to come as soon as possible.
My husband is in really bad shape!"
The shrink rushes over.
The worried wife say, "Thank God you are here, doctor.
Just go down the hall..... He's in the last room on the right."
The shrink goes in the room and sees Froggy's husband
sitting on the edge of the bathtub, dangling a fish line in
the toilet.
He goes back to the wife and says, "Yes, this is very
But why didn't you call me sooner?"
"Who had time?" Froggy asks.....
"I've been cleaning fish all week."

Todays Thought:  "Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."

Rae's Trivia:  What did the Greeks think of parsley?

Parsley is a common herb of the Mediterranean area and was
well known to the ancient Greeks.
They considered it too sacred to eat.
Romans did serve it as a garnish and to improve the taste of
They believed it had special powers and would keep them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww that pup is soooo cute.
As for 'Staying Alive' that's the song with the exact rhythm needed when performing CPR I can never hear it now without smiling (most nurses have a sick sense of humour) No disrespect meant.
Rae x