Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Morning.....people of the world.... Enjoy the Blog.......
I have fun doing it...... Besides, "Witchy Woman" likes it....

Cat bed? .............................

Begging for peanuts........

Lap top?.......wireless no less....................................

What are they loading on the plane ?
It's a hard disk in 1956... a hard disk drive with 5 MB storage.
In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with
a hard disk drive.
The HDD weighed over a ton and stored a total 5 MB of data.
So start appreciating your one ounce 8 GB memory stick which has 1600
times the capacity of this monster!
She thinks something is funny..........

I don't know what to say......

He's ready to eat....... bring him a PB&J sandwich..........
~~~ Pete; "I heard you were at the dog show the other day."
Gus; "Yes, I was."
Pete; "Win any prizes?"

~~~ "Will this ointment make me smart?"
"No, this is ordinary medicine, not a miracle drug."

~~~ Gus: "Where do all the bugs go in winter?"
Pete: "Search me."
Gus: "No, thanks. I just wanted to know."

~~~ Boss: You got your hair cut on company time.
Bobbie: It grew on company time.
Boss: Not all that hair.
Bobbie: I didn't get it all cut.

Hi, this pew taken?
My prayers are answered.
What's a charismatic like you doing in a mainline place like this?
How about we go over to my place for a little devotional?
Hi, angel!
Don't worry, I'm attracted to you purely in a spiritual way.
I'm Episcopalian..... What's YOUR sign?
I think you're sitting on my Bible.
Read any good Bible passages lately?
So, worship here often?

~~~ QUESTION: How do you know it's the FBI knocking on your door?
ANSWER: They're knocking on your door with a battering ram.

~~~ There was a mosquito and a dog who loved each other a lot.
One day the mosquito got excited and gave a love bite to the dog.
The dog became emotional and returned the love bite to the mosquito.
The next day...Mosquito died of rabies and dog died of malaria.

~~~ An Alaskan, upon arriving in Texas, approached a bystander and asked,
"Where can I find a doctor?"
"Are you ill?" inquired the Texan.
"No" grinned the Alaskan, "I'm suffering from claustrophobia."

~~~ After impatiently following a slow-moving pickup truck for several
kilometres on a hilly two-lane road, we decided to stop in the next town for
lunch and let the truck get far ahead.
We had a leisurely meal, and then pulled back onto the road. Just ahead
of us was another vehicle pulling out from a different restaurant.
It was the same truck.

~~~ An actual tip from page 16 of the Hewlett Packard "Environmental,
Health & Safety Handbook for Employees: "Blink your eyelids periodically
to lubricate your eyes."

~~~ The nurse who was expecting a raise received a paycheck with this note
attached:"Your raise will become effective as soon as you do."

~~~ At the salon, I overheard the receptionist admit to another customer,
"I haven't taken my vitamins today.
I'm walking around unprotected."
The customer commiserated with her.......
"I haven't taken my Prozac today—everyone's walking around unprotected."

~~~ During a phone conversation, my nephew mentioned that he was taking
a psychology course at university."
Oh, great," I said, "Now you'll be analyzing everyone in the family."
"No, no," he replied...."I don't take abnormal psychology until next semester."

~~~ Having lost weight over the past few years, a woman was discarding
things from her wardrobe that no longer fit.
Her seven-year-old daughter was watching as she held up a huge pair of slacks.
"Wow," the woman said, "I must have worn these when I was a hundred
and eighty.
"Her daughter looked puzzled and asked, "How old are you now?"
Todays Thoughts: Old ways are like old sweaters -- they are easy to get into.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've had my daily fix and sniggerThanks Gus
Rae x